With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a shift to the use of innovation and technology to support safe ongoing patient care, including the use of virtual consultations. Additionally, there is strong evidence that shared consultation can improve productivity through eliminating repetition of common advice and allowing patients to learn from each other and their GP, discussing their experiences together in order to influence cancer care.
The aim of cancer care review is to look beyond the medical and physical impacts of cancer; providing secondary prevention support, for example through advice about healthy lifestyle and physical activity. CCRs aim to promote wellbeing, recovery and empowerment - improving quality of life following discharge from hospital. The benefits include improving patient experience and improving collaborative working between primary and secondary care.
Group consultations routinely comprise around ten patients. Organisers will be grouping patients that have had similar experiences and treatments (not just similar cancer types), and the meeting structure will use concepts identified via holistic needs assessments.
Discover our virtual group consultations by watching our short webinar, (this includes talks by our GP lead, patient representatives, and our cancer nurse representatives). Our webinar is available on Microsoft Stream to NHS workers.

Watch our webinar series about virtual group consultations.
1) Introduction 2) Patient Story 3) NHS Long Term Plan 4) Pre-hab 5) Any questions
6) Developments in diagnostics 7) Frailty + 8) Group virtual CCR Project 9) Evaluation 10) Summary