Welcome to the web page for the East of England Cancer Summit - being held on Wednesday 18th September

This event is open to health professionals, patient representatives and all stakeholders who are working on improving cancer services including those from the NHS and voluntary sector.

The aim of the summit is for: identification of key priorities for the next 12-18 months to deliver East of England Cancer Strategy including recognition of principle risks to delivery, see strategy :: East of England Cancer Alliance, horizon scanning regarding future workforce, technological, diagnostic and treatment innovations and ways of working; networking opportunities across the East of England cancer community; and celebration of achievements and sharing of good practice. 

Key speakers are: Professor Peter Johnson from the National Cancer Programme and The Cambridge Cancer Research Hospital team. There will also be workshops aligned to the East of England Cancer Strategy led by ICBs, NHSE regional colleagues and Health Innovation Network East.

The Cancer Summit is now closed for registrations. If you would like to be placed on a standby list in case of cancellations, please email cpicb.eoecancerallianceteam@nhs.net.