TAKE the heat off Dad this Father’s Day and keep him safe from skin cancer – that’s the plea from local cancer experts as temperatures continue to soar across the East of England.

Urgent skin cancer referrals have reached a new high of around 7,000 a month across the East and continue to grow. Heads that are balding or with cropped hair are especially vulnerable to harmful UV rays. 

“The best thing anyone can do for their Dad or Grandad on Father’s Day is to make sure they wear a hat, as this is better protection for the scalp than sunscreen alone,"  said Dr Bernadette De Silva, Consultant Dermatologist and Skin cancer lead for the East of England Cancer Alliances. 

Not just Dads but everyone should see a GP if they have any skin abnormality such as a lump, ulcer, lesion or skin discolouration that has not healed after four weeks. While it is unlikely to be skin cancer, it is always best to get it checked. 

Dr De Silva’s advice for the whole family is:

·         Stay in the shade when the sun is strongest – in the UK generally between 11AM-3PM

·         Never burn

·         Cover up with suitable clothing, a hat and sunglasses

·         Take extra care with children, who should never be in direct sunlight in the hottest parts of the day

·         Use at least factor SPF30, UVA 5-star sunscreen on sun-exposed areas.

·         Do not use sunbeds

Further information on skin cancers and sun safety tips are available here:

Sunscreen and sun safety - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Non-melanoma skin cancer - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

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