What is cytosponge (or capsule sponge)?

Cytosponge is one of the names used for a device comprising a sponge within a capsule that is attached to a thread. After being swallowed, the capsule passes down the oesophagus and dissolves inside the stomach; the sponge within it expands and the device is gently pulled back up the oesophagus collecting cells along the way. The sponge and cells collected are sent for analysis to check for Barrett’s oesophagus, a condition that sometimes develops prior to oesophageal cancer.

The technology allows possible cancers to be detected at an earlier stage than usual, as symptoms often don't show until later when the cancer is more advanced. It also means fewer people have to undergo a more invasive endoscopy test. 

Pilot tests and Project DELTA

In the East of England, tests were piloted in some hospital trusts across the region as part of Project DELTA,  aiming to improve diagnosis of oesophageal cancer, using algorithms to identify those at most risk and offering them the sponge on a thread test. 

In partnership with Project DELTA, Heartburn Cancer UK introduced a mobile diagnostic unit to screen for oesophageal cancer in a community setting. This technology had previously only been available through some hospitals for the monitoring of Barrett's and investigating people with reflux, so this was an important step in making the  technology more widely available. Videos have been created by Heartburn Cancer UK to inform people about the Cytosponge technology and the mobile diagnostics unit. 

2021-2023 National Trial

The East of England Cancer Alliance also supported a national trial across the NHS from 2021 to 2023, to rapidly prioritise patients most at risk of developing oesophageal cancer. See NHS England website . Six NHS Trusts across the region took part and results of this national cytosponge evaluation are available here (2023).

Heartburn Health 

We are really pleased to be supporting Heartburn Health, a research programme dedicated to finding ways to improve care for people with heartburn, indigestion and acid reflux. The programme is looking for at least 120,000 volunteers aged 55-79, who live in the UK and experience these symptoms. Visit www.heartburnhealth.org.uk for more information.

Capsule sponge symposium

This is being held in February 2025, to review evidence from the pilots in the East of England. 

In the media 

The development of Cytosponge technology has been reported by the BBC. It is also available on the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Centre website, and NICE website
